What courses can you study while working in childcare?

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What courses can you study while working in childcare?

Post by Billie » Fri Jun 09, 2023 2:49 pm

Hi everyone!

I recently started a casual job at a Long Daycare Centre. As a casual I float between classrooms etc.
I have a 3 month grace period in which I must start a course to qualify for the position.
I want to become a primary school teacher in the future, but I do enjoy childcare for now and would love to work in childcare while studying to be a primary school teacher.
My problem is that I am not sure which courses I can study, I have found Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) which would suit me as it would be great to have both qualifications (if I decide to go on a working holiday and work in childcare / nanny / au pair etc), but I would also have my primary teaching qualification which is my end goal.
However I did some research and it seems that to be studying whilst working in childcare, the only acceptable course is Cert 3 in Early Childhood Education.
Does anyone know what my options could be?
Thanks so much!

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Re: What courses can you study while working in childcare?

Post by Lorina » Sat Jun 10, 2023 2:34 pm

To work in an early childhood service you can be "actively working" towards a qualification. This means you can be counted towards the ratio as a "qualified" Educator even while you are studying a qualification.

To be counted towards a Cert 3 qualification:

You can be counted towards meeting the certificate III level qualification requirements if you are:

- enrolled in an ACECQA-approved qualification and have started study
- making satisfactory progress towards completing the course
- meeting the requirements to maintain enrolment.

If you enrol in your degree, even though you haven't completed the Cert 3 qualification you can be still counted as a Cert 3 qualified Educator for ratio if you meet the requirements mentioned above.

Since you are currently working as a casual you can chat with the director about your intentions of doing the degree and when completing the degree will you be considered as a Cert 3 Educator.

You may want to chat soon because you will need to enrol in the course before getting the job permanently.

Also, verify that it is an ACECQA-approved course as well.

Hope this helps!


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