Support inclusion and diversity

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Support inclusion and diversity

Post by sarrahevans » Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:13 pm

Hi, I'm having issues understanding this question.

"Discrimination occurs when we allow our beliefs to affect our interactions with others. Provide one (1) example regarding discrimination, where you were aware of your beliefs and you how it could be affecting your interactions or behaviours with others."

not looking for the answer but perhaps just rewording it to better understand the question. Thank you :)

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Re: Support inclusion and diversity

Post by Lorina » Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:24 pm

Discrimination can subtly influence our behavior and interactions, often without us even realizing it. Here's an example that highlights this:

Imagine you're an educator who grew up in a community where traditional gender roles were strongly emphasized. Subconsciously, you might carry some of these beliefs into your professional environment.

You notice yourself often encouraging boys to participate in building and construction activities while directing girls towards art and craft activities. You might praise boys for being strong and girls for being pretty, without consciously intending to discriminate.

Over time, you become aware that these actions are based on outdated gender stereotypes and realize they might be limiting the children’s experiences and development.

Impact on Interaction:
You decide to make a conscious effort to encourage all children, regardless of gender, to explore a variety of activities. You start praising children for their effort and creativity rather than conforming to traditional gender expectations.

By becoming aware of your beliefs and how they could affect your interactions, you can take steps to ensure a more inclusive and equitable environment for all children. This reflection helps you grow as an educator and provides better opportunities for the children in your care.


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