CHCPRT001 - How may age, gender, disability, culture and sexuality impact on abuse?

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CHCPRT001 - How may age, gender, disability, culture and sexuality impact on abuse?

Post by maaalx » Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:51 pm

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
How may age, gender, disability, culture and sexuality impact on the 5 types of abuse listed in part a?
(physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, domestic violence)

What is your answer so far or what have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I have been finding statistics and placing them under the related heading of age, gender, etc. One of my sections:

The younger a child is, the more likely they are to be abused. In Western Australia (2003-2004) there was 1 notification of child abuse for every 200 children under the age of 1 year; a rate of 5.0 per 1,000 children. There was a rate of 2.2 per 1,000 for children age 1-4 years, the rate decreasing as they got older.

Description and Message:
I don't think I am answering the question correctly, I don't really understand what it is asking of me and neither does anyone else I have asked. When I came to sexuality I'm not sure how that would really relate to a child since they are at such a young I meant to be looking at how the age, gender, etc. of the ABUSER impacts abuse? Looking through this forum I saw this question multiple times:

Discuss how abuse is dynamic in that affects people not matter their age, culture, gender, sexuality or disability?

But to me the two questions have completely different answers and it's making me even more confused about what I'm meant to do. Any ideas?
I really hate this assignment!

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Re: CHCPRT001 - How may age, gender, disability, culture and sexuality impact on abuse?

Post by Lorina » Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:22 am

I think this question is asking about what are the impacts of abuse (person being abused) depending on age, gender, disability etc. For example:
Domestic Violence

Children will react in different ways to being brought up in a home with a violent person. Age, race, sex, culture, stage of development, and individual personality will all have an effect on a child's responses. Most children, however, will be affected in some way by tension or by witnessing arguments, distressing behaviour or assaults - even if they do not always show this. They may feel that they are to blame, or - like you - they may feel angry, guilty, insecure, alone, frightened, powerless, or confused. They may have ambivalent feelings, both towards the abuser, and towards the non-abusing parent.

These are some of the effects of domestic violence on children:

They may become anxious or depressed.
They may have difficulty sleeping.
They may have nightmares or flashbacks.
They may complain of physical symptoms such as tummy aches.
They may start to wet their bed.
They may have temper tantrums.
They may behave as though they are much younger than they are.
They may have problems at school, or may start truanting.
They may become aggressive.
They may internalise their distress and withdraw from other people.
They may have a lowered sense of self-worth.
Older children may start to use alcohol or drugs.
They may begin to self-harm by taking overdoses or cutting themselves.
They may develop an eating disorder.

Ref: Domestic Violence

Hope this helps,


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Re: CHCPRT001 - How may age, gender, disability, culture and sexuality impact on abuse?

Post by maaalx » Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:36 pm

My teacher said what I was doing with statistics was correct, my classmates were doing the same thing. Thank you for your help!
