CHCDIV002 - Identifying Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors

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CHCDIV002 - Identifying Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors

Post by DaniAndLilly » Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:55 pm

Hello lovely people,

I'm stuck on a question in my Promote Aborigninal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety unit.

The question:

How might centres go about identifying the potential impact of cultural factors on service delivery to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients?

My answer (that's not really an answer yet):

I feel like I might be able to more easily answer this question if it was "Identify the potential impact of cultural factors...." and I've seen some brilliant information on here from Lorina ( ... r404d-4369 ).

What I'm having trouble with is the "How might centres go about identifying" part of the question. Would it be correct to say that by having knowledge of Indigenous culture and being considerate of cultural factors a centre can identify the impact these things may have on the delivery of their service?

Thank you.

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Re: CHCDIV002 - Centres Identifying Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors Of ATSi Clients

Post by Lorina » Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:54 am

This has been a tough question that has popped up on this forum a few times! Finding information on this hasn't been easy but I finally found some information that may help you identify the potential impact of cultural factors...
Acknowledging the impact of events and issues throughout the history of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, particularly the impact of colonisation, gives non-Indigenous Australian people an insight into the contemporary physical, mental, social, economic and political situations of Indigenous Australian people. These events and issues provide an explanation for why it is so important to empower Indigenous Australian people, including co-workers, to advocate for self-determination, access, equity and social justice.

The important events and issues that have shaped Indigenous Australian people’s lives over many generations affect the way many Indigenous Australian people views non-Indigenous governments, people and policies, and the way many Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people feel about themselves. These effects flow on from generation to generation and influence the confidence and self-esteem of Indigenous Australian children.

Ref: Identify Culutral Safety Issues

Hope this helps!


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Re: CHCDIV002 - Identifying Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors

Post by DaniAndLilly » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:10 pm

Thank you so much for your response Lorina. This has helped a lot! :D

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Re: CHCDIV002 - Identifying Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors

Post by Lorina » Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:01 pm

You're most welcome! :thumbup:


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