Service workers need to understand their own job roles and the legislative requirements that impact on them, their clients and the service they provide. They must understand their job roles, their responsibilities, and their legal obligation.
What parts of the legal system do they need to understand and from what sources can they get useful information?
It is your duty of care for looking out for the safety and the wellbeing of the children under your care. To minimize any possible harm. Access information on 'The Australian Institute of family studies'. Each agency has their policies and procedures for identifying and responding to possible risks of harm. Quality are 2 of the NQS for early childhood education and care and school age care, should be included in the organizational procedures and policies that relate to health and safety of children.
Organizational procedures and policies should have guidelines on how to recognize and respond to concerns of child abuse relevant for your state under the child protection legislation.
The website provides a national approach to regulations assessment and quality improvement for early childhood education and care. The parts of the legal system that need to be understood is for the safety and wellbeing of children and also the wellbeing of staff. As an assistant you go to a lead educator or Director for assistance.
As Limited Hours child care we must follow the Education and Care Services Act 2013 and Education and Care Services Regulations 2013 . .
These have ALL legislative requirements that we must follow.
If we are unsure of anything we can contact our local office –
Early Childhood Education and Care
Far North Queensland Region
Department of Education
Our role as an educator is to make sure children are free from harm supervised at all times and are safe and well. My job description and role is a childcare assistant and i a m to provide care and structured learning in the center for the children as they play. Provide comfort and stimulating activities and keep the children safe and clean.
I was shown grievance procedures , shown grievance procedures and shown chain demand as in who I go to for certain issues. We have inhouse training and staff meetings. If I am unsure or concerned I would approach my supervisor or team leader. You would need to know things like ratios in children to staff and who is qualified in first aid. The legal system needed to understand is the relevant legislations, regulations, standards to safeguard children and protect integrity of educators, staff. This is found in our policies and procedures in our organization. This also is The Rights of Child.
Service workers need to understand the proper legislation system, procedures, policies and standards to provide services for the organization in which they work. They need to understand their job roles and legislative requirements that impact them, their clients, and the service they provide. They must understand their job roles and their responsibilities and their legal obligation. Be up to date with laws, regulations, rules, standards and regulations. Know what decisions they are authorized to make and whenever they are confronted with situations which they are unsure about know how to escalate problems or issue to manager/ supervisor. Have a clear understanding of mandatory reporting duty of care and ethical requirements and will know what legislation impacts on their work.
Hi This is my answer for this question .
Trainers Feedback Im so confused i dont know what im missing so much info here in my answer dont know what else to write please help
Refer to Topic 1 page 31 as the legislation is listed very clearly and this is what you are to write for your answer.
pic 1: Implement work practices which support the protection of children and young people
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Re: pic 1: Implement work practices which support the protection of children and young people
wonder can you help with this question?
Evaluate how effective the various legislation, policies and guidelines are in relation to the protection of children and staff??
Evaluate how effective the various legislation, policies and guidelines are in relation to the protection of children and staff??
Re: pic 1: Implement work practices which support the protection of children and young people
Have a look at the following information (page 7 - legislative requirements):

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