I'm currently completing my Honours Thesis for my Bachelor of Psychology. My research is on educator's feelings and knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder (autism, ASD), in hope to understand what kind of future supports and training staff may need, as more children with autism attend our centres over time. I'm hoping my research can go towards informing future training & initiatives for ECE's to help in day to day practices.
Would you be willing to fill out my online survey? This is all totally anonymous - we want to hear your voice! ---Educators matter!
If you wish to participate, below is the online link (can you please complete the survey all the way to the end?)
Thank you so much for your time & support -- it really means a lot. (Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the study).
Thanks again!
Link to survey:
https://griffithmhiq.co1.qualtrics.com/ ... oKtZWLxS61