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This template is to be used to detail the child's progress over the course of the year. It's great to share with families to let them know specifically how their child developed and the new skills they learnt. It can also be used as a Transition Statement for the child to be shared with the school teacher. 

This template can be used as an end-of-year report to share with families about their child's achievements, progress and learning. 

This template can be used to detail the milestones a child has achieved in each developmental domain. 

Progress Report

Category Child Portfolios

This template is used to share the progress of the chid's learning and development with parents.

This template can be used to give an overview of a child's progress in a half-yearly or yearly report. 

This template can be used as a half-yearly/yearly report of the child's experiences, achievements and friendships.

This child portfolio template can be used as an end of year report with photos of child's achievements throughout the year.

This 2 page transition statement template based on QKLG framework is used for children transitioning to school.

The template is used to record the outcomes the child has met throughout the year based on the EYLF outcomes. 

The Transition To School Statement template gives important information to the child's school teacher to support the child have a successful start to school.

Child Care Documentation App

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