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The years between five and twelve are a time brimming with activity for children – they are developing close friendships, getting stronger in body and mind as well as widening their circle of hobbies and interests. While all this exploration…
Among all the changes that impact a child’s early life, one of the most significant is the move from early education and care setting to a full-time school. The change not only involves entirely new people and places but longer…
Consequences are one of the most effective principles of behaviour management in ECEC settings, as they show children the probable results of their own actions. There are two types of consequences used most often – natural and logical. The following…
Both the Principles and Practices of EYLF place great significance on the nature of child-educator interactions. The following article provides information on What Are Positive Interactions, Developing Positive Interactions, Strategies and more.
Play is a process that is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated. In this sense, children’s play happens when children determine and control the content and intent of their play, following their own instincts, ideas and interests, in their…
The approved provider of an early childhood service, you have the primary legal responsibilities for the safety, care and education, under the National Regulations, of children enrolled. Hence, approvals are required from both the Australian Government as well as state…
Interactions with children and families lie at the heart of ECEC practices. Early educators as a result may find themselves frequently facing ethical issues which are all too common in professions revolving around human relationships with their spectrum of rights,…
There may be times when despite giving your best, your service might have to face complaints. However, instead of getting demotivated, it is possible to use complaints as opportunities for critical reflection. The following article provides information on Complaints Management,…
As an Early Childhood Educator, it enables you to acknowledge and embrace conversations around disability and inclusion with children. The following article provides strategies to discuss inclusion and disability with children.
For services in the process of developing or reviewing their service philosophy, the following article provides information on the Importance Of A Service Philosophy, Links To The NQS, a Sample Of A Service Philosophy, Reviewing The Service Philosophy and more.
According to the Educators’ Guide to the Early Years Learning Framework, documentation is the practice of recording and creating evidence of learning and the learning progress, helping make it visible. Though documentation is mandated to meet regulatory and pedagogical purposes,…
Policy and Procedures are an integral part of the documentation that is required to meet legislative requirements. They prevent uncertainty about how particular situations are handled and support Educators to understand their roles and responsibilities. The following article provides information…
Child Care Documentation App

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