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World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently put out recommendations on children wearing masks.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) can make you sick with cold-like and flu-like symptoms. The virus can infect children however, they are less likely to have symptoms. Their symptoms are milder and they are less likely to develop severe illness
Playdough is such a versatile material. It provides numerous benefits to children as they manipulate it, it is safe and soothing and provides children with a satisfying sensory experience.
Lego and Building Blocks are a favourite activity for young children. From toddlers, they start with Mega Blocks, Duplo and as they grow older move onto the classic Lego. Did you know that these are all compatible with each other?…
On 4th August, all Australians have the opportunity to show their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every Aboriginal and…
If you are 'actively working towards' Certificate III, Diploma or ECT qualifcation you may be counted towards qualification requirements.
On 30 July, we celebrate the International Day of Friendship (UN). It is a day that promotes the importance and roles that friendship play in promoting peace in many cultures.
Friendships, bring pleasure, comfort, and important opportunities to learn and develop in a social world. Friends, help children feel good about themselves, help the child adapt more easily to early childhood environments and help the child build self-confidence.
Character traits are all the aspects of behaviour and attitudes that make up your personality, morals, ethics and beliefs.
The ECA - Code Of Ethics is designed especially for early childhood services and based on the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1991).
Montessori stressed that children learn best by using their senses and pursuing their interests, rather than forcing them to learn what is expected.
When working in an early childhood service there are a number of work-related expenses that you will need to pay for yourself. These may include purchasing resources/materials for experiences, paying for your first aid qualification, stationary expenses and more. Did…
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