Documenting for Out of School Hours (OOSH) services can be quite a task, but it's essential for ensuring quality care and learning experiences for children. The following article provides information on Documenting The Program For OOSh Services, Changes To The Documenting Requirements, Considerations In Developing Documentation, Appropriate and Relevant Documentation, Involving Children In Documentation and more.
The years between five and twelve are a time brimming with activity for children – they are developing close friendships, getting stronger in body and mind as well as widening their circle of hobbies and interests. While all this exploration makes for great learning and excitement, also sets the stage for some challenging behaviour. The following article provides information on strategies that Educators can use to promote positive behaviour in OOSH services.
National Out of School Hour Care Educators Day is the annual National day to celebrate and recognise the important role Educators play in the lives of children.
The Would You Rather Flashcards are funny and silly questions that can be asked to children. They can be used as ice breakers, brain breaks and to get to know the children a little better. These questions are to help children begin to weigh the pros and cons and make the decision that's right for them. It gives them an opportunity to think, reflect, and use their imagination while deciding between the options given.
The MTOP Main Outcome Posters includes each of the main outcomes of the My Time Our Place framework for oosh services. These can be used as a display around the room to show how children achieve each outcome.
This template is for OOSH Services to list all activities, incursions and excursions during Vacation Care.
The following lists the sub outcomes, examples of evidence when children can achieve each sub outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 2: Children Are Connected With And Contribute To Their World.
For Educators and Providers of OSHC Services, the Department of Education has partnered with the Early Childhood Australia to develop free online professional learning customised to meet the needs of NSW OSHC services.
EYLF Learning Outcome 2 focuses on "Children Are Connected With And Contribute To Their World...
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