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The following lists useful contacts if you have a question or need support as a provider and for early learning services.

Visual Motor Integration covers efficient and effective coordination between the eyes and the hands so that children are able to copy, draw or write what they see. Since children develop their handwriting based on what they see in a model and then imitate it in their own writing, they need to have effective Visual Motor Integration.  The following article provides information on What Is Visual Motor Integration, VMI and Handwriting, Improving Visual Motor Skills and more. 

At its simplest, communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people. Visual communication involves the exchange of information using pictures, imagery, symbols and signs. The following article provides strategies for using visual communication with children. 

The capacity to work on a task with sustained attention is an extremely important developmental milestone for children. It not only helps them to learn better in school but is directly related to positive life outcomes in adulthood through higher self-esteem and self-efficacy. The following article provides strategies for improving concentration in children.

Symbolic or dramatic play is one of the key play phases outlined by developmental psychologists. Part of such pretend play may involve weapons, just like other objects children see in popular media and tv. The following article provides information on Does Weapon Play Encourage Violence, the Benefits Of Weapon Play and more. 

Children like adults are usually predisposed to a particular way of processing information. Those who best do this by experiencing it or acting it out are known as tactile learners. A learning style that helps kids physically touch or try something in order to learn the concept best is known as tactile learning or kinaesthetic learning. The following article provides information on identifying tactile learners and how to use tactile learning within the learning environment. 

Self-regulation can be understood as a suite of skills needed to control and manage one’s own emotions and behaviours in a wide range of setting. Learning self-regulation in the early years has been consistently linked to not just better adjusted adults but also higher levels of academic achievement in later life. The following provides strategies to support children’s self-regulation in the learning environment. 

In early childhood, positive relationships with teachers are extremely important for intellectual, social and emotional development. Indeed research shows that secure attachments formed in early years do not just prepare the foundations for positive relationships in adulthood but predict positive life outcomes as well. The following article provides strategies on how Educators can build relationships with children.

Confidence is crucial for setting and achieving goals in all stages and areas of life. However, confidence is not something that one child is born with more than others; rather confidence grows as a result of positive experiences and adult guidance. The following provides strategies to boost confidence in children.

Learning styles, according to Howard Gardner, are the ways in which an individual approaches a range of tasks. The following provides information on Gardner's learning styles. 

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