The EYLF Learning Outcomes are broad and observable. They acknowledge that children learn in a variety of ways and vary in their capabilities and pace of learning. Children’s learning is ongoing acknowledge that children learn in a variety of ways. The following article provides practical examples of each individual learning outcome that children will progress towards in different and equally meaningful ways.
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
1.1 Safety & Security
- Attachments
- Routines/transitions
- Belong
- Comfort/support
- Respect/trust
- Express feelings & ideas
- Initiate interactions
- Explore and engage
- Play
- Explore identity through role play
1.2 Emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience & a sense of agency
- Awareness of the rights and needs of others
- Awareness of the rights and needs of others
- Open to challenges
- Cooperate/work collaboratively
- Take risks
- Cope with the unexpected
- Recognise own unexpected
- Recognise other's achievements
- Self-regulate
- Confidence
- Being sharing behaviours
- Persist
3.3 Develop knowledgeable and confident self-identities
- Accepted for who they are
- Explore identities through dramatic play
- Share Culture
- Use home language
- Develop a social and cultural heritage
- Engage with Elders & community members
- Companionship
- Celebrate
3.4 Interact with care, empathy and respect towards others
- Show interest in others
- Be part of a group
- Share play experiences
- Express emotions constructively
- Empathise with others
- Express concern for others
- Be aware of their perspectives
- Respect other's perspectives
- Reflect on your own actions
- Consider consequences
Outcome 2: Children are connected to and contribute to their world
2.1 Sense of belong to groups & communities, reciprocal rights & responsibilities
- Right to Belong
- Cooperate with others
- Negotiate roles in the play
- Participate in social groups
- Understanding of the world
- Express opinions
- Explore other's ways of being
- Reciprocal relationships “read" the behaviours of others
- Respond appropriately
- Contribute in different ways
- Sense of belonging
- Be playful
- Respond positively to other
- Contribute to fair decision making
2.2 Respond to diversity with respect
- Show concern for others.
- Explore diversity
- Become aware of connections
- Similarities & differences
- Listen to others' ideas
- Respect different ways of doing
- Practice inclusive ways
2.3 Become aware of fairness
- Explore connections among people
- Be aware of ways people are included/excluded
- Recognise unfairness & bias
- Act with compassion & kindness
- Make choices/problem solve
- Think critically about fair/unfair behaviour
- Understand how texts construct identities & create stereotypes
2.4 Become socially responsible & show respect for the environment
- Play news ideas
- Participate to solve problems
- Contribute to group outcomes
- Know, respect, care appreciate natural environments
- Know, respect, care appreciate constructed environments
- Explore, inter, predict & hypothesise/ interdependence land, people, plants & animals
- Relationships - living & non-living
- Notice & respond to the charge
- Awareness of the impact of human activity
- Interdependence of living things
Outcome 3: children have a strong sense of wellbeing
3.1 Strength in Social and Emotional Wellbeing
- Trust/confidence
- Share humour, happiness & satisfaction
- Be comforted by others during distress, confusion, challenges
- Make new discoveries
- Celebrate own effort
- Celebrate the efforts of others
- Cooperate & work collaboratively
- Enjoy solitude
- Recognise own achievements
- Make choice
- Accept challenges
- Take considered risk
- Manage change
- Cope with frustrations
- Cope with the unexpected
- Understand one emotion
- Self-regulate
- Manage emotions
- Experience & share personal successes
- Acknowledge & accept affirmations
- Assets own capabilities and independence
- Be aware of the needs and rights of others
- Recognise contributions to shared projects
3.2 Take responsibility for own health & wellbeing
- Recognise & communicate bodily needs.
- Happy, healthy, safe & connected to others
- Sensory motor skills
- Movement patterns
- Gross & fine motor
- Balance
- Spatial equipment
- Manage tools
- Respond through movements
- Healthy lifestyles
- Good nutrition
- Personal hygiene
- Own safety & safety of others
- Physical play
- Negotiate play spaces safety
Outcome 4: Children are confident & involved learners
4.1 Learning dispositions such as curiosity, cooperation, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination, reflectivity
- Express wonder/interest
- Curious, enthusiastic participants
- Investigate, imagine and explore ideas through play
- Follow on and extend your own interests
- Initiate and contribute to play experiences
- Participate in inquiry-based experiences
- Persevere & persist with difficult tasks
- Experience satisfaction
4.2 Develop problem-solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching, and investigating
- Apply thinking strategies
- Engage with solutions
- Adapt strategies
- Create & use representation
- Use mathematical ideas, concepts, language, and symbols
- Make predictions & generalisations
- Cause & effect
- Trail & error
- Motion
- Reflective thinking
4.3 Transfer & adapt learning from one context to another
- Co-construct learning
- Mirror, respect and practise the actions of others
- Make connections
- Use the process of play, reflection & Investigation
- Apply generalisations
- Transfer knowledge
4.4 Connect with people, places, technologies and natural & processes materials
- Engage in learning relationships
- Use senses
- Sharing learning, exploration
- Explore tools, media, sounds, and graphics
- Take apart, assemble, invent, construct
- Experiment with different technologies
- Use information and communication technologies
- Use information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Imagination, creativity & play
- Use feedback to revise and build on an idea
Outcome 5: Children are effective communications
5.1 Interact verbally & non-verbally
- Enjoy interactions
- Convey & construct messages
- Use language & representations
- Play, music, art
- Give cultural cues
- Independent Communicators - Australian Standard English & home language
- Meet listeners' needs
- Build on home/family community literacies
- Measurements & number
- Use vocabulary to describe size, length, volume, capacity, & names of numbers
- Express ideas & feelings
- Communicate thinking about quantities
- Describe attributes of products
- Explain mathematical ideas
- Convey meaning in at least one language
5.2 Engage with and gain meaning from a range of texts
- Listen/respond to sounds & patterns
- View/listen/respond to multimedia texts
- Sing/chant rhymes, jingles & songs
- Be literacy/numeracy users in play
- Sound of language, letter-sound relationship, the concept of print, the structure of texts
- Analyse the meaning of texts
- Share the enjoyment of language
- Recognise/engage with written & oral culturally constructed texts.
5.3 Express ideas and make meaning using a range of media
- Engage in play Imagine, and create role, scripts & ideas
- Share stories & symbols of your own culture
- Re-enact well-known stories
- Use creative arts - drawing, painting, sculpture, drama, music & storytelling.
- Experiment with a range of media
5.4 Being to understand how symbol & pattern systems work
- Use symbols in play
- Make connections & see patterns
- Predict patterns in routine/passing of time
- Symbols as a means to communicate
- Relationships between oral. Written & visual representations
- Recognise patterns
- Sort, categorise, order & compare
- Listen/respond to sounds/patterns in speech/stories, rhyme
- Dare on the memory of a sequence to complete a task
- Being to use images & approximations of letters/words
- Use symbols for meaning
5.5 Use information technologies to access information, investigate ideas represent thinking
- Identify the use of technologies
- Use real or imaginary technologies in play
- Use ICT to access images & information
- Use ICT to explore diverse perspectives
- Use ICT to make sense of the world
- Use ICT for designs, drawing editing, reflecting, composing
- Engage with technology to make meaning
Further Reading
Free EYLF Version 2.0 Posters and Cheat Sheets - The following provides a list of cheat sheets and free printables based on EYLF Outcomes Version 2.0. These can be used as a reference point for Educators. They can also be used to refer to when documenting and planning.