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National Child Protection Week will run from 4-10 September 2022. The overriding theme of National Child Protection Week in 2022 will be "Every child, in every community, needs a fair go."

Learning how to keep one’s own self safe and protected is a key aspect of growing up. Even young children can be taught about personal safety with the help of appropriate language and interactive strategies. The following article provides strategies for Educators to talk about personal safety with children.

Aggression is a type of behaviour that is triggered by the intention of causing harm to another person who wishes to avoid that harm. Violence is an extreme subtype of aggression, a physical behaviour with the intention of permanently injuring another person. The following article will provide information on What Is Aggressive Behaviour, Prevention Strategies, Intervention Strategies and more. 

The Healthy Harold preschool program supports children’s learning and development to live a safe and healthy life. The play-based incursion is fun, interactive and designed to help build healthy, safe and mentally resilient little people. The program is suitable for children aged 3-5 years.

From 01 July, new Child Safe Standards commenced to better protect children and to provide more clarity for organisations. The eleven new Standards have replaced Victoria’s seven standards and principles.

In the last five years, at least 68 children have been left on buses in Australia, a rate of more than once per month.

In NSW, nominated supervisors and persons in day-to-day charge must complete a child protection course required by a Government protocol applying to the approved provider in accordance with section 162A of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law. In-house training is not sufficient.

It has been reported that earlier this week, a two-year-old girl has been found to roam around alone outside her childcare centre in Melbourne’s west. The toddler managed to escape her centre allegedly through an unlocked door. 

The Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission provide a framework for making organisations safer for children. They have been accepted by the NSW government. Based on extensive research and consultation, the Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first, to keep them safe from harm.

One of the most important concepts we can introduce to children is road safety. Road safety awareness can help to reduce the risk of serious injury among young children by assisting them to develop skills, knowledge and behaviour about the safe use of roads. The following article provides information on Road Safety Skills For Children, Teaching Children About Road Safety Rules, Fun Road Safety Experiences For Children, Road Safety Songs and Rhymes and more.

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