A nurse has cautioned parents about the risks associated with not child-proofing Christmas trees following a toddler who accidentally ingested a Christmas ornament.
More natural disasters affect Queenslanders than any other state in Australia. Early childhood services should be ready for bad weather. Thus, it's critical to prepare. The following article provides information on Notifying Of A Closure, Storms and Cyclones, During The Storm, Preparing For Extreme Weather and more.
After leaving a toddler on a bus for more than five hours in the heat of Central Queensland, two childcare providers avoided going to jail.
On Wednesday 19th July, a preschooler from regional New South Wales was supposed to be dropped off at their childcare centre in the morning, but she was instead left alone on the bus for four hours before someone noticed her.
On Friday, the 10th of March, a three-year-old girl was left on a daycare bus in Victoria for up to five hours. After being put on the bus outside of her home to attend the service, her parents received a call at 3 pm and allegedly told an Educator discovered the young toddler still on the bus in the afternoon.
As of 1 September, changes to laws mean that the NSW Working with Children Check can now access information held on a national database of people barred from working with children. Additional changes have come into effect by ensuring that NSW applicants or clearance holders will be automatically barred from working with children for a range of serious animal cruelty offences.
The Victoria's Child Safe Standards Posters are a set of mandatory requirements to protect children and young people from harm and abuse. The new 11 Child Safe Standards came into force in Victoria on 1 July 2022.
The My Early Warning Signs Posters detail the first signs and symptoms that a child may experience when they feel that something isn't right. These are great for children to understand what their bodies are telling them and a way to spark conversation with young children on what to do if they feel these warning signs.
The NSW Child Safe Standards Posters display each of the 10 standards as well as details on why each standard is important and how this standard can be applied in the service. The Child Safe Standards establish a standard so that organisations can evaluate their ability to keep children safe and set performance goals. The Standards offer organisations practical advice on how to promote a child-friendly culture, adopt policies, and take actions that prioritise children's best interests and keep them safe from harm.
The My Body Safety Rules Posters are great to display and use as a discussion point for teaching children about how to protect themselves or what to do when they start to feel uncomfortable around a particular adult or in certain situations.
Young children who are not able to develop age-appropriate strategies for regulating aggressive behaviour are...
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