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The Dinosaur Songs Posters provide lyrics to dinosaur action songs that can be sung by children during group time. These action songs are fun, catchy and engaging for children. The posters can also be displayed in the learning environment.
The Countries Around The World Posters display pictures associated with that individual country. These are great to use as a discussion point with children and to be used as a display.
These posters have Goodbye in different languages from around the world. Children can learn to say Goodbye from different parts of the world. These posters can also be used in displays, for cultural experiences and to enable children to explore…
The Countries Posters display pictures of what can be found in that particular country. These are great to use as a discussion point with children and to be used as a display.
Children can learn the different flags for each country of the world by colouring a country flag. Children can also learn primary and secondary colours through this experience and also provides a fun colour matching activity.
Thank You In Different Languages Posters show how to say Thank You in languages from around the world. These are great to teach the children or to use as a display in the learning environment.
The 1 To 10 In Different Languages Posters enable children to learn to count from 1 to 10 in languages around the world. This is a fun way for children to learn each other's languages and Educators can include this…
The Welcome In Different Languages Posters provides "Welcome" in 21 different languages. These are great to use as a display around the entrance to provide an inclusive environment. It's also a great way for children to learn "Welcome" in different…
The Children Of The World Matching Cards enable children to match the child card to their matching one. These cards represent children from around the world. This is a great visual awareness activity children can do. This will also show…
The Children Of The World Posters show children from around the world. These are great to display within the learning environment that enable children to observe how children from different parts of the world, how they dress, similarities and differences.…
The Harmony In Different Languages Posters show how to say Harmony in different languages from around the world. This is great to be used as a display in the learning environment and to celebrate Harmony Week.
These 20 posters feature individual countries and where in the world they are situated on the world globe. These globe posters can be used as displays and for children to understand and observe where different countries are situated in the…
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