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Christmas Colouring Pages enables children to colour, collage, paint a christmas picture. Colouring pages enable children to develop good pencil grip as they practice holding a pencil while colouring. Children also develop their hand eye coordination and support children to…
School Bag Shadows Cut and Paste is a great activity for children to identify the right shadow of each school item to match to the correct school bag. This is a good activity for school readiness.This activity enables children to…
School Colouring Pages can be used for preschoolers moving onto Kindergarten the following year. They can be used as part of a creative art experience to paint, colour or collage or they can be included in school dramatic play set…
School Bus Counting is a counting activity from 1 to 10 for children to match the correct number of children passengers to the corresponding number on the school bus. This activity is great for number recognition, for children learning their…
Recycling Counting Cards is a counting activity from 1 to 10 for children to match the correct number of trash into the recycling bin. This activity is great for number recognition, for children learning their numbers, one to one correspondence…
Rangoli Match Cut and Paste enables children to find the correct half of the rangoli design and match it together. This is a great activity for hand eye co-ordination, visual perceptions, cutting skills and recognising patterns and colour schemes. Rangoli…
Rangoli Colouring Pages enable children to choose a rangoli design to colour in and decorate. Rangoli is a traditional Indian decoration of simple patterns and geometric shapes made with ground rice, particularly during festivals including Diwali.
Diya counting is a counting activity from 1 to 10 for children to match the correct number of diyas to the corresponding number. This activity is great for number recognition, for children learning their numbers, one to one correspondence and…
Passenger Plane Counting is a counting activity for children to match the correct number of passengers into the plane. This activity is great for number recognition, for children learning their numbers, one to one correspondence and more. Plane Passengers have…
Alphabet Parking Match enables children to park the car in the parking lot by matching the correct letter on the car to the correct parking spot. This activity supports children in recognising the letters of the alphabet (lower case and…
Transportation Shadows Cut and Paste is a great activity for children to identify the right shadow transportation with their matching image. This activity enables children to develop vidual discrimination skills, hand eye coordination and learning to analyse the shapes of…
Road Letters are a great addition to add to a transportation interest that has emerged within the room or even for those children who enjoy playing with vehicles. Using these letters children can use toy cars to trace over the…
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