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Classroom Management

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The EYLF Outcomes and Activities Posters provide a list of activities under each individual eylf learning outcome. The list of activities matches a specific outcome. This will help to understand what types of activities could come under each EYLF Learning…
The EYLF Outcomes Meanings and Examples Posters provide detailed meanings for each of the 5 learning outcomes as well of examples of how each learning outcome can be implemented into practice. This is great to support Educators to understand the…
The EYLF In Action Posters provide examples of how each learning outcome can be demonstrated within the learning environment. These are great to display to show how children and Educators are actively engaging in each learning outcome.
The EYLF Posters With Images can be used to display within the service. Each individual outcome includes an image and the sub-outcomes. The Learning Outcomes are to be used to reflect on childrenā€™s learning and focus on what a child…
To celebrate the preschoolers moving on to Kindy next year, have a preschool graduation ceremony and invite families. Here are 6 graduation certificates to choose from that can be used during the preschool graduation ceremony!
The Christmas Countdown Posters are a fun way to start the last month of the year by counting down how many days till Christmas. This will be fun to display in the foyer and the learning environment and each day…
The following posters are developmental skills that supports a child's school readiness. The skills are separated in each of the appropriate developmental learning areas. You can use the skills as part of your program in determining suitable experiences for the…
The Developmental Milestones Posters are from 2 months old to 2 years old and have the milestones for each age group in the Social/Emotional, Cognitive, Language, and Physical Development domains. These are great to display within the learning environment or…
Halloween Gross Motor Movement Cards are a great way to get children moving enabling children to use whole body actions. Each action is simple to follow and movements are based on a halloween theme.
The following Child Observation Posters provides a range of different observation methods that can be used when observing children. Each poster provides a brief description of the observation method and a sample. These posters can be displayed within the room…
Positive Affirmations Flashcard With Pictures enables you to read them along with children. Saying positive affirmations will boost children's confidence, validates children's efforts, builds resilienceĀ maintain self-esteem, recognise their strengths and enables children to practice positivity.
The Pattern Posters can be used as a calming down technique for children when they are feeling overwhelmed. Children can trace the pattern with their finger or use stones to place along the pattern to help them focus when they…
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