From today, 01 February 2024, both EYLF 2.0 and MTOP 2.0 will now come into effect and services will have to implement the new updated frameworks.
To support children achieve learning outcomes from the MTOP Framework Version 2.0, the following list gives educators examples of how to promote children's learning in each individual learning outcome. These can be used when assessing children's learning, critically reflecting on the experiences planned, strategies to implement for each learning outcome and more. It also encourages and promotes each individual outcome throughout the early childhood setting.
This is a guide for educators on what to observe under each sub-learning outcome from the MTOP Framework when a child is engaged in play and learning. Educators can plan experiences for the curriculum and gain an understanding of how children can achieve each individual outcome.
ACECQA has released new resources explaining the updates to the nationally approved learning frameworks EYLF, and MTOP and clarification and expanded explanation across parts of the original learning frameworks. The following provides the EYLF and MTOP Version 2 Booklets as well as other information resources.
The MTOP Posters With Images can be used to display within the service. Each individual outcome includes an image and the sub-outcomes. The Learning Outcomes are to be used to reflect on children’s learning and focus on what a child can achieve. These include Version 2.0 outcomes which were recently updated (2023).
MTOP Learning Outcomes Posters Version 2.0 displays the main MTOP Learning Outcomes and the sub-outcomes. They can be used to display within the service or used as a reference for documentation and planning. The Learning Outcomes are to be used to reflect on children’s learning and focus on what a child can achieve.
The following lists the sub-outcomes, examples of evidence when children achieve each sub-outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 5 - Children And Young People Are Effective Communicators V2.0.
The following lists the sub-outcomes, examples of evidence that children can achieve each sub-outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 4 - Children And Young People Are Confident And Involved Learners V2.0.
The following lists the sub outcomes, examples of evidence that children can achieve each sub outcome and how educators can promote and help children to achieve MTOP Learning Outcome 3: Children Have A Strong Sense Of Wellbeing V2.0.
The following lists the sub-outcomes, examples of evidence of when children can achieve each sub-outcome and how educators can promote and help children to MTOP Outcome 2: Children And Young People Are Connected With And Contribute To Their World V2.0.
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