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With the Labor Party winning the 2022 Federal Election, the early childhood and care (ECEC) sector in Australia looks poised for a shot in the arm, as much in terms of aid and restructuring as affordability for families. ECEC was a central element of Mr Albanese’s policy agenda in the run-up to the election and will remain central to overall policy within the portfolio of Amanda Rishworth MP, the longtime Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Development. The following article details the newly-elected government’s proposed policies for the ECEC sector and what impact they may have in the short, medium and long term. 

It has been noticed that Australian childcare owners make their names highlighted in the millionaire rich lists by their private early learning centres.

The way early childhood education and care is provisioned by the government at local, state and national levels deeply impacts society. Issues range from sector-specific matters like childcare regulations, subsidies and fees to wider dynamics of social equity, workforce participation, children’s development, gender equality and response to global crises like COVID 19 pandemic. In the lead up to the Federal Election on 21 May 2022, here is a breakdown of the position of three major political parties – the Liberal/National Coalition, the Australian Labor Party and The Greens - on policy decisions crucial to early childhood care and education sector.

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