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National Model Code - When Taking, Sharing, Storing Photos Or Videos Of Children In ECEC Services

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National Model Code - When Taking, Sharing, Storing Photos Or Videos Of Children In ECEC Services

In collaboration with all governments, ACECQA has developed a National Model Code of child safe practices that outlines the suggested practices for using electronic devices to take, share, and store pictures and videos of children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services.

The National Model Code is optional while governments assess the need for regulatory change related to these matters and suggest implementing the following procedures:

  • only service-issued devices should be used to take photos and/or videos of children 
  • personal electronic devices that can take and/or record images are not to be carried when providing ECEC, unless for authorised essential purposes such as emergencies, health and family needs
  • strict controls should be in place for storing and retaining children's images and recordings.

The National Quality Framework (NQF) is a strong regulatory framework that places a heavy emphasis on ongoing quality improvement to guarantee that children are safe, healthy, and thriving. This was validated by our review of the child safety arrangements under the NQF. Nevertheless, the Review discovered that there was need for improvement in some areas related to child safety, such as the capturing, sharing, and archiving of images and/or videos of children.

Early childhood educators and providers are pioneers in establishing environments that are safe for children. Actually, a lot of providers have already curtailed or prohibited the use of electronics. The National Model Code will assist providers in improving pertinent tactics and activities for child safety.

It is advised for approved providers and the services they offer to think about and voluntarily implement the suggested practices found in the National Model Code. Adopting the National Model Code will promote a culture that is child-safe and help services and providers who have been approved meet any upcoming regulatory obligations in this area.

The National Model Code has been designed for centre-based services approved under the NQF, whose primary purpose is to educate and care for children 0-5 years old (long day care and preschool/kindergarten services). However, providers of other types of ECEC services and approved providers of outside school hours care services may choose to consider adopting similar practices within their own contexts.  

For more information: National Model Code Information

Last modified on Sunday, July 21, 2024
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