The EYLF Outcome Weekly Program template assists educators in planning experiences by focusing on each individual learning outcome. The rows cover Monday through to Friday for the week and the columns are divided up between each EYLF learning outcome. Each individual experience box offers an option to select a sub learning outcome, an input key and date initiated which links back to the original source of input. This helps keeps track of linking experiences to documentation.
The EYLF Outcome Weekly Program is easily understandable and provides a clear definition on the goals for each experience. It includes:
- Room (changes for FDC)
- Week Beginning
- Educators (changes for FDC)
- 5 default columns using learning outcomes as headings
- 5 default rows (Monday to Friday and option to add weekends)
- Add more rows if more experiences need to be added
- Experience box with sub learning outcome, input key and date initiated
- Adjustable font size
- Input key symbol
- List of each individual learning outcome
- Parent Input/Suggestions
- Logo (option to add rectangle or square)