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Reflection Questions For Quality Area 6

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Reflection Questions For Quality Area 6

While reflecting it forces us to analyse different aspects of experiences we offer to make judgements in what should be repeated, extended or changed. This enables us to develop and extend on children’s learning and build upon their knowledge and skills.

The following questions are to be used as a guide for reflecting on each of the standards within Quality Area 6. Use the information from these questions to recognize good practice or to change and improve what is not working well. It can also be used as part of Self-Assessment or Quality Improvement Plan.

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 6.1

• How do we help all families to feel comfortable, welcome and valued at the service?
• Does our concept of family reflect the diversity of family structures in the service and the wider community?
• How could we improve our approach to support relationships with all families?
• How do we promote a common understanding of inclusion?
• How do we promote the benefits and value of inclusion for all children and families?
• How can we engage in genuine partnership with families to challenge and address stereotypical or biased views of family compositions?
• How do we listen to families and include their perspectives in the educational program?
• What role do families play in the service? How can we recognise their contributions?
• How do we share decision-making with families? What decisions can we make together with families?
• How does the information that families provide to the service contribute to operational decision-making?
• How does the service establish and maintain meaningful partnerships with all families?
• How can the service be more accessible to families?
• How do we communicate our philosophy and educational choices with families?
• What strategies are in place for information sharing between families and the service during orientation, settling in and onwards?
• What techniques or strategies do we use to communicate with families who have specific or diverse communication preferences?
• How can we find out if our communication strategies are reaching all families and if they would prefer other methods?
• How do we encourage families to contribute to their child’s experiences in ways that are meaningful for them?
• How do we learn about children’s families and others who are important in their lives?
• How do we respond when families make requests or express concerns?
• How do we find out and share information about the community resources that are relevant to our service and to the children in the service and their families?
• How do we support families to access community services and resources? How do we find out what kinds of support would be beneficial to families?
• How do we support and reassure families whose children are using an education and care service for the first time?
• How do we seek information that will assist children to manage separation from their primary caregiver without anxiety?

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 6.2

• How do we share information to support children’s learning and development with other services with which the child and family are connected?
• How do we share our knowledge and expertise about children’s learning and inclusion with other professionals who are working with children and families enrolled in the service?
• How do we support each child’s transition from and to other education and care environments?
• How do we support each child’s successful transition to formal schooling?
• In what ways do we work with schools and other community organisations to support children and families? How effective are these strategies and how can we improve them?
• How do we access support for children’s specific individual requirements and rights?
• What local resources and networks exist that might connect children and families with the local community?
• How is information and data (for example the Australian Early Development Census) used to build an understanding of the local community?
• What are inclusion support services available to provide tailored advice for our service?
• What is happening in our local community that is relevant to our work with children and families? How can we best be involved?
• How are we assisting children and their families to develop a sense of belonging to their local community?
• How are we supporting children to see themselves as active contributors to their community?

For more information on how to write Reflections: Reflective Practices In Childcare

New Guide To The National Quality framework, ACECQA, Oct 2017

Created On May 19, 2023 Last modified on Monday, May 15, 2023
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