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Reflection Questions For Quality Area 2

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Reflection Questions For Quality Area 2

Reflective practice is learning from everyday situations and issues and concerns that arise which form part of our daily routine while working in an early childhood setting.

The following questions are to be used as a guide for reflecting on each of the standards within Quality Area 2. Use the information from these questions to recognize good practice or to change and improve what is not working well. It can also be used as part of Self-Assessment or Quality Improvement Plan.

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 2.1

• How do we find out about individual children’s routines, and ensure that all relevant staff members are informed about these?
• How do we seek information from families about their children’s routine experiences, such as sleeping and toileting patterns, and support the same approaches within the service?
• How do we encourage and support mothers who wish to breastfeed in the service?
• How do we arrange routine times to ensure that children are able to follow their individual needs or preferences, including arrangements for children who do not need or wish to sleep or rest when other children do?
• How do we seek information from children and families about children’s well-being, physical comfort or personal needs, and support children sensitively within the service?
• How do we keep informed of, and implement, current practices and guidelines from recognised authorities in relation to child and adult immunisation, allergies and anaphylaxis, food safety and hygiene practices, administration of medication, rest and safe sleep requirements, sun safe practices?
• How do we find out about individual children’s health requirements, and ensure that all relevant staff members are informed about these?
• How do we maintain acceptable levels of hygiene while minimising the use of toxic products?
• How do we ensure that families are informed about and follow the service’s policy and guidelines for the exclusion of ill children?
• What arrangements do we have in place to regularly review and update our child health-related policies and procedures?
• How do we communicate with families if there is an outbreak of an infectious disease?
• How do family day care educators and co-ordinators discuss and manage risks associated with working in isolation, when managing children’s illnesses and injuries?
• What arrangements do we need to make for older children to independently administer their own medication?
• How do we ensure that all educators are familiar with current guidelines about healthy eating, physical activity, rest and safe sleeping?
• How do we ensure that all educators understand and implement correct procedures relating to food handling, transportation and storage?
• How do we plan food and beverages to meet the preferences of each child as well as their dietary and nutrition requirements, including during excursions or other special activities?
• How do we incorporate discussions and activities about healthy eating, physical activity and allergies into children’s everyday experiences so that each child is encouraged to make healthy food and beverage choices?
• How do we plan the program to ensure that there is a balance between planned and spontaneous active play as well as a balance between passive and active experiences?
• How do we set up the environment and resources to encourage and support children to engage in movement and physical play?
• How do we plan the program to include opportunities for active play during periods of inclement weather?
• How do we encourage children to solve problems in relation to physical challenges in the environment?
• How do we encourage play and recreational experiences that are child-initiated, child-directed, and appropriate for the age and capabilities of school-aged children?

Questions to guide reflection on practice for Standard 2.2

• How do we identify potential supervision risks in the service?
• How do we plan to ensure that all areas used by children are effectively supervised, including when children are participating in high-risk activities or varying their activities?
• How do we plan to manage supervision of small groups of children who may need to be in a different space from the main group, such as children who sleep for longer periods than others ir at different times, children who take longer to finish mealtimes or children who want to engage in quiet, solo activities away from other groups of children?
• How do we identify, assess, manage and record hazards and potential risks for children, such as potentially dangerous products, plants, objects and animals at the service, and how often do we do this?
• How do we ensure children are alerted to safety issues and encouraged to develop the skills to assess and manage risks to their own safety?
• How do we ensure that all equipment and materials used in the service meet relevant safety standards, including bedding and sun protection resources and equipment?
• How do we conduct risk assessments for potential excursions and plan for children’s safety during excursions?
• How do we identify which emergency procedures and specific action plans are required for our service and how often do we practise these? What recognised authorities are consulted in the development of these plans?
• How do we maintain an awareness of the people who have contact with children at the service and/or who collect children from the service?
• How do we keep up to date with current legislation in our state or territory in relation to child protection, and ensure that all staff understand how to report their concerns about child protection issues?
• How do we discuss and manage supervision risks associated with working in isolation?
• How do we discuss and manage transport arrangements, including supervision and safety considerations (for example, child safety in educators’ vehicles and safe fitting of car seats)?
• How do we keep up to date with current information on travelling safely, such as bus travel and bike safety?

For more information on how to write Reflections: Reflective Practices In Childcare

New Guide To The National Quality framework, ACECQA, Oct 2017

Created On May 15, 2023 Last modified on Monday, May 15, 2023
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