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Rhyming Charades

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Rhyming Charades Alex Thompson

Use the game of charades to act out rhyming words. 

Materials Needed:

  • Pencil and paper for each child playing the game.

What to do:

  • Together with the children, think of rhyming word families.
  • For example: Dog, log, frog, bog - Cat, mat, fat, rat - Pen, men, ten, when.
  • Each child thinks of two rhyming words of the same family e.g. Bill & Pill.
  • Then they say "I’m thinking of a word that rhymes with Bill” and the child acts out the rhyming word, taking a ‘pill’".
  • Children can write down the rhyming words for spelling practice.

Hints and Tips:

  • If playing with a large group of children, spit the group into two even teams. Each team can come up with their rhyming words from the same family. One member from each team has to act it out to the opposing team, which then has to guess the correct rhyming word. For each correct guess have a specific amount of points. Team with the most points win.
  • To make it more challenging, use an egg timer for a time limit.

Additional Info

  • Appropriate Age: 4 year+
  • Developmental Milestones:

    Communicates effectively with others.

    Expresses thoughts and ideas.

    Makes up rhyming words.

    Listens and interprets information.

    Able to make guesses.

    Begins to spell simple words.

    Works co-operatively in a team.

    Participates in large group games.

  • Play Based Learning: Exploratory Play, Dramatic Play, Creative Play
  • Interest Areas: Home Corner
  • Games Categories: Cognitive Development, Creative Play Games, Family Games, Language Development, Party Games, Pretend Play Games, Social and Emotional
  • EYLF Outcomes: Learning Outcome 1, Learning Outcome 2, Learning Outcome 4
  • Sub Outcomes:

    1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy inter-dependence resilience and sense of agency

    1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities

    1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care empathy and respect

    2.3 Children become aware of fairness

    4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity cooperation confidence creativity commitment enthusiasm persistence imagination and reflexivity

Created On January 2, 2015 Last modified on Wednesday, January 28, 2015
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