Using household items create a simple bat which can be used to develop skills such as hitting, catching, spatial awareness and co-ordination.
Materials Needed:
- Old tights.
- Wire coat hangers.
- Masking tape.
- Tennis ball.
What to do:
- Bend the coat hanger into the shape of a racquet and straighten the bent handle.
- Re-bend the handle over so it is narrower and longer than before.
- Cut one leg off the tights and keep for later. Pull the other leg over the racquet until taut, and then wrap the rest of the tights around the handle.
- Cover with the tape until the handle is firm and easy to hold.
- Put a tennis ball in the toe of the spare tights leg and tie from a tree branch, the clothes line or hook.
Hints and Tips:
- The children will have lots of fun hitting the ball backwards and forwards. As the bats are so soft the children won’t be hurt if they accidentally hit each other.