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Student Support Forum Closed From January 01 2018

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Student Support Forum Closed From January 01 2018

As of January 01 2018, I will no longer be able to offer support to students in our Aussie Childcare Network Forum. This decision has not been taken lightly, however, I feel as though that I need to focus my time in other parts of Aussie Childcare Network and our Appsessment App in order to achieve our milestones for our websites. 

The questions from the student forum that have been answered and replied to will remain available to you for information, however, I will no longer be offering support for any new questions based on assignments from 2018. The general forum will remain open and we will continue our forum discussions on all general childcare related topics. Once the student support is closed, any assignment based questions posted in our general forums will be removed. 

I understand that for some of you, the Aussie Childcare Network forum has been an incredible source to help you understand questions and to gain information, however for me, it is getting more difficult to continue to provide support as a lot of my time and effort goes in this on a daily basis and therefore unable to allocate time to develop the other sections of our website. 

My focus will be on developing a variety of new Resources, Templates, Worksheets and Articles for educators as well as for students which I feel I have been slack on since the forum has been the main priority. 

Aussie Childcare Network is more than just a student forum, it’s a place for educators and students to learn and develop their understanding of the early childhood industry. I have many ideas and improvements that I will be looking forward to implementing in 2018. 

Students, thank you for your support over the years and it has been an excellent journey ever since I started providing support for students way back since 2009. I really hope that you enjoy what’s to come in 2018.


Last modified on Friday, November 10, 2017
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