Santa Beard CuttingĀ is a simple activity that enables children to practice their cutting skills by cutting different types of lines on Santa's beard. This is great practice for children learning to cut.
The Christmas Countdown Posters are a fun way to start the last month of the year by counting down how many days till Christmas. This will be fun to display in the foyer and the learning environment and each day…
Christmas Shadow Matching encourages children to examine the different shapes of various Christmas objects and match them to their correct shadows. It helps children with visual memory and enables children to sort based on the similarity and differences of different…
The following posters are developmental skills that supports a child's school readiness. The skills are separated in each of the appropriate developmental learning areas. You can use the skills as part of your program in determining suitable experiences for the…
Goldilocks And The Three Bears Story Posters tell the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. It is a fairytale about a little girl, Goldilocks, who walks into the bear's house and after going through their things, eventually falls asleep…
The Peppa Pig Posters show images of characters from the Peppa Pig show. These can be used in a variety of different ways, including as playdough mats, as a display within the learning environment, as part of an experience and…
Little Mouse Colour House Posters enable children to learn and identify colours through this simple group game. Educators hide the mouse behind one of the houses and choose a child to sing the rhyme before they pick a coloured house…
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Information Posters are a good reminder for Educators and Children on what items are to be reduced, reused and recycled. These can be displayed within a recycling area set up in the service to promote a…
The Garbage Truck Counting is a simple counting activity for children to match the correct number of garbage bags into the garbage truck. This activity is great for number recognition, for children learning their numbers, one to one correspondence and…
The Garbage Recycle Bins Matching encourage children to learn about recycling and to sort items in the different coloured bins. This is great for children to begin to see how everyday items can be used to recycle. These can be…
Recycling Sorting Mats encourage children to learn about recycling and to sort items to reduce, reuse and recycle. This is great for children to begin to see how everyday items can be used to recycle. These can be used for…
Alphabet Trash Match enables children to match the capital letters to the lower case letters. These are great for learning letters and letter recognition. These can also be used to find letters, to spell names or words or more!