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Two Years Of Preschool For South Australia Children

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Two Years Of Preschool For South Australia Children

The Education Union SA branch has developed a strategy for 2 years of preschool for all children in the state.

At the moment, SA 4-year-olds receive 15 hours of funded preschool a week and the union states that those hours are not enough to meet a child's developmental needs - especially those children from low SES backgrounds, Aboriginal children, children with health problems, children with disabilities, children from non-English speaking backgrounds and children in rural and remote communities.

SA Aboriginal children and those in state care are already entitled to attend preschool from age three. Tasmania plans to offer 10 hours of preschool a week to disadvantaged 3-year-olds from 2020.

The decision will be made after the March elections on whether or not this strategy will go ahead of providing 2 years of preschool for all children.

I think that it is a great idea for children to be given time to develop their needs before going to school. Some children need that extra time to prepare and develop skills needed for long-term success at school. This will ensure each child to make an effective transition into a school environment.


Tim Williams, Australian Education Union SA branch calls for two years of preschool, The Advertiser, January 23, 2018

Last modified on Thursday, January 25, 2018
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