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New Measures In Family Day Care To Crack Down Dodgy Providers

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New Measures In Family Day Care To Crack Down Dodgy Providers Kids Work Chicago Daycare

From March 13th, there will be changes within Family Day Care services, which will include new maximum rates and age limits for children accessing child care fee assistance. 

The new measures would apply a maximum hourly rate of $12.67 to the two benefits and if a family day care service charges above this rate, they would be ineligible for fee assistance.

“Setting a maximum hourly rate will act as a deterrent to family day care services and stop them charging exorbitant fees where there is not a genuine liability and, I would expect, it will push a number of the rorters out of the system all together.” Senator Birmingham said. 

The Government will also axe child care fee assistance in the FDC sector for children aged 14 years or older, or children who attend secondary school.

“This measure has been carefully targeted at those who deliberately rort the system and to ensure legitimate family day care providers do not get caught up and penalised, including exceptions for children with a disability and those living in remote areas,” Minister Birmingham said.

The Turnbull government is launching a major crackdown on "shonks and rorters" in the family daycare sector, with new measures designed to save taxpayers up to $250 million.


Bickers. Claire, Turnbull Government New Family Day Care Measures Crackdown, (2017), News Corp Australia Network. 

Last modified on Monday, February 27, 2017
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