SkillsIQ is reviewing the current Certificate 3 and Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care with proposed changes within each qualification.
A number of key changes have been proposed, including:
- Strengthened Assessment Requirements - including a student must be directly observed by an assessor at least once in most units.
- Increased Work Placement Hours - 160 Hrs for Cert 3 and 280 hours for Diploma.
- New Entry Requirements for the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care - student must hold a Cert 3 in Early Childhood Education and Care.
- Cert 3 has a proposed total of 17 units (compared to 18 units).
- The diploma has a proposed total of 15 units (compared to the current 28 units).
SkillsIQ expects the final qualifications to be endorsed in October 2020, with new qualifications available from the end of the year.