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2 Year Old Locked Inside Florida Daycare

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2 Year Old Locked Inside Florida Daycare

After discovering her 2-year-old daughter sobbing in a dim, deserted South Florida daycare center, a mother dialed 911.

When Stephanie Martinez came Tuesday afternoon to pick up her child, she discovered that the KinderCare Child Care Center in Plantation was locked.

In a video of a 911 call Martinez shared with NBC Miami, the room appears dark and Martinez can be heard telling a dispatcher that she could see her daughter crying.

Fire department workers pried open the door and found the girl in good health roughly 20 minutes later, the report says. Whether criminal charges are anticipated is not stated in the police report. According to the article, the local child protection department was looking into the situation.

As per the complaint, police later discovered that the daycare worker in charge of checking out the kids had closed the doors after leaving at 6:20 p.m.

KinderCare, the organization was "thankful the child was quickly found and was safe, but this incident should not have happened."

To make sure "this kind of thing doesn't happen again," the organization also stated that all staff members and teachers will get more training.

In Australia 

Leaving a child locked in a childcare centre is a serious incident and is treated with utmost concern in Australia. 

  1. Legal and Regulatory Framework: According to the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), a child being mistakenly locked in or out of the service premises is classified as a serious incident under regulation 12 of the national regulations. Such incidents must be reported to the regulatory authority.

  2. Recent Incidents: There have been instances where children were left locked in childcare centres. For example, a recent case in Perth involved a baby left alone for over 30 minutes after staff had closed the centre. This led to significant distress for the parents and disciplinary actions against the staff involved.

  3. Preventive Measures: Childcare centres are required to have strict policies and procedures to prevent such incidents. This includes regular headcounts, ensuring all children are accounted for before closing, and having clear communication protocols for staff and parents.

  4. Consequences: Centres found to be negligent can face fines and other penalties. For instance, a Perth daycare centre was fined $20,000 after three children locked themselves in a shed while unsupervised.

Ensuring the safety and well-being of children in childcare settings is paramount. If you have any specific concerns or need advice on best practices for your centre, feel free to ask!

Florida Mom Finds Toddler Locked Inside Day Care After Workers Left For The Day, NBC NEWS
Minimising The Risk Of Children, ACECQA 
Leaving A Child Unattended, Clarity Law Australia 

Last modified on Friday, October 25, 2024
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