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Dancing Corn

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Dancing Corn Little Bins For Little Hands

Dancing corn is a fun sceince experiment to do with toddlers and preschoolers. Watch corn dance with a little kitchen chemistry.

Materials Required

Glass jar
Handful of popping corns
3 cups of water
2 tbsp of baking soda
6 tbsp of white vinegar

What To Do

Fill the jar with water.
Add the baking soda into it and stir well till it gets evenly mixed.
Add the popping corn kernels.
Next add the vinegar into the jar and watch out for the surprise element.
There is no necessity of stirring after adding the vinegar but still if the children wish you could.

The Science

Baking soda and vinegar react together to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. In the water, the gas creates bubbles that round the maize kernels. The bubbles raise the kernels to the surface, where they pop and the kernels descend once more. Up until the vinegar and baking soda have done reacting, the "dancing" continues.

Hints And Tips

  • You can make the kids do the whole experiment by guiding them on the measurements.
  • If required you could add colour to the water.
  • This will also teach kids how to keep patience while doing certain things.
  • You could also teach them about measurements as you do the measuring parts.
  • Ask them to stir and mix the baking soda evenly. This is a fine motor activity as well as a good muscular workout for the hand.
  • Ask kids to watch out for these bubbles in the jar.
  • Question them if they had any guesses on the phenomenon that was occurring in the jar.
  • Do not add more corn kernels as you may not get the desired result.


Created On July 17, 2023 Last modified on Monday, July 17, 2023
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