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New OOSH Curriculum Plan Template and New Changes

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New OOSH Curriculum Plan Template and New Changes

Aussie Childcare Network is happy to release the new version 0.0.2 of EYLF Tools Templates for Early Childhood settings in Australia. We have added new features and improved our Templates based on the feedback and suggestions from our users to make your programming and planning documentations easier!

Online Tools New Features:

1) OOSH Curriculum Plan Template: A new curriculum plan template is now available for OOSH Before and After School care.

2) Control Panel: Introducing a control panel feature for all forms. These control panels are used to modify the template based on your needs.

3) FDC and LDC versions: You can now choose between a “Long Daycare (LDC)” version and a “Family Daycare (FDC)” version for Curriculum plans and Reflections of our Day (Daily Diary). 

4) Educators Field: The Educator field is now modified to hold more than 1 name.

5) Font Sizes: You can increase or decrease font sizes for some text fields based on your needs.

6) Weekends: Weekends can be added to the weekly curriculum plans for centres that are open during the weekends (this only applies to the Weekly Curriculum Plan Sheets).

7) Centre logos: Users now have the ability to change the dimension of the centre logo field based on the size and shape of your centre logo. 

8) Learning Stories for Individuals: The fields for the Learning Stories changes based on your selection for “Individual” or “Group”. The “Individual” setting will now add new fields to include child’s D.O.B and child’s name. 

Thank you for your continued support in Aussie Childcare Network. We appreciate all your suggestions and ideas for the Online Tools Templates and I hope that the changes made in this new release will suit your needs.

Click here to view our Templates

Last modified on Sunday, January 4, 2015
Child Care Documentation App

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