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How To Prepare For Parent Meetings

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How To Prepare For Parent Meetings

Parent / Educator meetings help build respectful and positive relationships and enable educators and parents to share information about the child. Meetings add to the casual, daily conversations that you have with families by providing more detailed information about children's achievements and allow time for deep conversation.

Having a meeting with parents can be nerve wrecking and make you feel anxious. It's important to be prepared and has confidence during the parent meeting. You are the child's educator and the ultimate goal is to let the parents know how their child is progressing, what their child does within the setting and to discuss any questions or concerns that the parents may have. 

The following article offer strategies on preparing for a parent meeting and what you can do before, during and after the parent meeting.

Click here to read: Preparing For Parent Meetings

This article also compliments the Parent Meetings Templates we had released earlier this week.

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