Cut and Paste Vehicles enable children to cut out pieces and paste them together to create vehicles. Educators can pre-cut these and laminated them, and children can put them together like a puzzle.
Fruit Cut And Glue Picture Match enables children to cut out the colour fruit picture and glue them onto the corresponding picture. These can be pre cut and laminated and childcare can use them to create a complete a puzzle of each fruit.
Farm Animals Cut and Paste worksheets enable children to find, match and paste the farm animal pictures together. These can also be cut and laminated and used as puzzles for young children.
Bear Cutting Practice is a simple activity that enables children to practice their cutting skills by cutting different types of lines on Santa's beard. This is great practice for children learning to cut.
Make A Boys Face Cut and Paste enables children to cut out different facial features and create a boys face on the head. These are fun for children to create their own faces. These also can be laminated and used with play dough.
Alphabet Colour Cut and Paste enables children to colour and cut the shapes on the worksheet and put them together to create a letter of the alphabet. These can be used as part of a letter of the week theme. Educators can pre cut required letters and children can colour and paste them on paper to create the individual letter.
Make A Face Cut and Paste enables children to cut out different facial features and create a face on the head. These are fun for children to create their own faces. These also can be laminated and used with playdough.
Dinosaur Sort enables children to cut out dinosaurs and sort them on themed backgrounds based on which dinosaurs are on land, who fly and who swam. This is a great dinosaur sort activity for children.
The Children Of The World Matching Cards enable children to match the child card to their matching one. These cards represent children from around the world. This is a great visual awareness activity children can do. This will also show children the similarities and differences between others.
The Garbage Recycle Bins Matching encourage children to learn about recycling and to sort items in the different coloured bins. This is great for children to begin to see how everyday items can be used to recycle. These can be used for group time discussion as well as for individual children to complete.
The Developmental Sequence Of Phonological Skills Posters gives examples of the key stages of specific...
View Worksheet...The Aboriginal Posters provide a variety images of the Indigenous community. These are great to...
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