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Educators Shame Mum Over Toddler's Packed Lunch and Remove Chocolate Muffin

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Educators Shame Mum Over Toddler's Packed Lunch and Remove Chocolate Muffin

Educators from a childcare centre, have shamed a mum over the items she packed for her toddler's lunch and even confiscated the toddler's chocolate muffin.

The toddlers lunch contained:

  • Party pies and sausage rolls
  • Salami
  • A chocolate muffin
  • Chicken nuggets
  • Dates
  • Corn
  • Mango
  • Kiwi fruit
  • Grapes
  • Home made apricot balls

The parent was very upset over the ordeal as she insists that she is doing her best to cater for her fussy eating toddler.

'I think it is healthy enough for a child who is picky and for a family on one salary,' the mother said.

The mother received mixed reactions from the community, many agreeing that the guidelines childcare services provide on what to pack "are going too far".

" I think it’s pretty bad that anyone feels entitled to tell us as parents what we can and can’t feed our kids,' one parent commented.

Other's offered advice on healthier options she could include instead, "I pack seaweed wraps and popcorn for my kids and they love them" another parent said.

A fair few also agreed with the childcare centre, "The day care isn’t being rude party pies sausage rolls and nuggets aren’t in the healthy food guide they are simply doing their job" another parent explained.

For services that require parents to bring food from home, they must meet the requirements of the National Quality Framework.

In Quality Area 2 - Children’s Health and Safety, this focuses on supporting and promoting children’s health and safety when they are attending education and care services.
The National Quality Standard and National Regulations require that all services (whether or not they provide food and beverages):

  • actively promote healthy eating (element 2.1.3)
  • have in place policies and procedures in relation to nutrition, food and beverages, dietary requirements and ensure
  • policies and procedures are followed (regulations 168(2) and 170)
  • ensure children have access to safe drinking water at all times (regulation 78)
  • ensure children are offered food and beverages appropriate to the needs of each child on a regular basis throughout the day (regulation 78).

However "shaming" parents over food choices for their own children should not be tolerated. For those parents that do bring in inappropriate foods, steps should be outlined on how to deal with these issues appropriately. 

Collaborating with families, keeping them informed, assisting families knowledge on healthy food choices and addressing any concerns will ensure that parents are making the right food choices for their child.


  • "Mum is shamed for her 'fussy' two-year-old son's lunch" Daily Mail Australia
  • "Encouraging Parents To Pack Healthy Foods For Childcare", Aussie Childcare Network 
Last modified on Tuesday, February 16, 2021
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