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Childcare Centre In Blacktown Hotspot For Coronavirus

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Childcare Centre In Blacktown Hotspot For Coronavirus Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

NSW Health has confirmed that a childcare centre in Blacktown, in western Sydney, has been identified as a hotspot for the coronavirus with both staff and children infected.

At Rose of Sharon childcare centre, there are now 7 confirmed cases in staff, 6 confirmed cases in children, and 12 secondary cases (11 household contacts and 1 friend).

The centre has been closed.

NSW Health explains that by finding cases early and identifying appropriate isolation and quarantining of close contacts, it can help prevent onward transmission in the community.

Everyone can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practising social distancing, thorough hand washing, cough etiquette and staying home if they’re unwell.

Coronavirus cases sweep through schools and a CHILDCARE centre, Daily Mail Australia, 4 April 2020
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) statistics, NSW Health, 7 April 2020

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