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A mum was attacked for handing out lunch boxes at her daughter's party and got called out for being gender discriminative.

The Birthday Playdough Counting Mats encourages children to recognise the number on the birthday cake and use playdough to create candles to add to the birthday cake. This is a great way for children to recognise and learn numbers and for one to one correspondence.

The Birthday Colouring Pages are a great way to celebrate children's birthdays. Friends can colour, paint, collage a birthday colouring page which then can be collected from all friends and put together to form a special birthday book to present to the child on their birthday.

The following are birthday certificates for a child's birthday.

This template is to be given to a child on their birthday.

The following is a birthday display poster.

The following is a birthday display poster.

This template is a list of questions to ask a child on their birthday.

This template can be shared with a child on their birthday.

Celebrating children's birthdays is important to the child and their families. It's a special occasion that focuses on the individual child and celebrates the day they were born.

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