I am currently working on the "Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework unit" and I'm having a little trouble with 2 of the scenarios.
1. In the following scenario what would you do? You will need access to the ECA Code of Ethics to complete this task.
A local donut company approaches your service for a fundraising event. You can possibly make over $5000.00 and your service is in great need of new outdoor equipment. You know that donuts have no health benefit to children and only add to the obesity crisis, do you accept their offer? Why / Why not? Refer to the ECA Code of Ethics in your answer and any other relevant legislation.
I'm not really sure on how to answer this, especially with reference to the Code of Ethics, I've read through it over and over but i just don't really see how it fits.
I get that donuts aren't exactly the best food for kids health wise but at the same time, as a fundraising event its not the kids that would be buying them it would be the parents buying them, also I think if the centre is in need of new outdoor equipment and the centre can't afford it with out a fundraising event, shouldn't they take the opportunity to be able to buy new equipment? As far as code of ethics go here, i feel like new equipment would "Create and maintain safe, healthy environments, spaces and places, which enhance children’s learning, development, engagement, initiative, self-worth, dignity and show respect for their contributions."
But I'm not really sure.
2. In the following scenario what would you do? You will need access to the ECA Code of Ethics to complete this task.
Whilst on your break you walk into the staff room, Jane your co-worker is smoking in the staff room, which is not allowed in a children’s service. You ask Jane why she has begun smoking in the staff room. She tells you it’s too cold outside and Laurel (the authorised supervisor) is not around anyway. Jane makes you promise that you won’t tell Laurel. You know that smoking is wrong in the workplace especially as children are in your workplace, but Jane is a good friend. What would you do next? Why? Who should you inform about this? What would you say? Refer to the ECA Code of Ethics in your answer and any other relevant legislation
This one I can't even wrap my head around the scenario, I get that it's a scenario but what kind of person smokes in the workplace (unless told they can but i doubt that) let alone in a child care centre... and why would I just be asking... so why have you begun smoking in here? and why promise Jane you won't tell... the first thing you should do is tell Jane to put out the cigarette... and how good of a friend can Jane be anyway if shes making you promise something like that???
As i said i can't even wrap my head around this scenario let alone answer the questions

Any help on this would be greatly greatly appreciated

Thank you.