Needing help with CHCPR303D Q4

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Needing help with CHCPR303D Q4

Post by Annie1 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:03 pm

Hi I'm a first time user on here and wow how great is it well done to everyone involved in this.
I'm having a small amount of difficultly in Q4 and would love any help that is out there please also if there is anything that I have already written that may be better thanks.

a) I have chosen a running record assignment for this observation
b) Below is my attached record
c) I feel that this record reflects the children interests through there building and wonderful imagination, abilities to construct the items and extend on the original construction that was being built and that the children managed to sort out the situation and continue on with their play.
2. Useful information that I have got out of this observation, would be
3. A goal for Melinda could be, helping Melinda to be able to get on the swings by herself
4. ??
5. By helping Melinda through our outside play times to get on and off the swings I feel that this will increase her abilities to be able to do this skill by herself.

Date: 09/09/12
Time: 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Location: construction mat Observer: Annie
Children involved: Melinda

Melinda watched the other children play. Her head moved back and forth and her eyes were fixed on them. She stood for a long time just looking at them climbing up the stairs. Then she followed them up and climbed through the tunnel. Her right arm reached out in front of her, and then she tucked her left arm under her chest and moved a little forward. She repeated this until she was through the tunnel. She followed them down the steps. Melinda put her right foot down on a stair, and then brought her left foot to meet the right one. She repeated this until she was on the ground. By the time she was down, the other kids were going up again.
Melinda approached the swing set slowly. She said, “Teacher, I want a turn.” She held onto the rope and pulled one knee up but couldn’t quite get herself onto the swing seat. The teacher came and lifted Melinda onto the swing. Melinda held onto the rope with her right hand higher than her left hand. She swung her legs back and forth in an irregular rhythm.
Kelvin came and stood by the swings. He said, “Can I have a turn?” Melinda got off the swing.
Melinda seems to be a well-adjusted child who gets along well with others. When she followed the children on the climber, she could not keep up, but didn’t seem to become frustrated. When she wanted the swing, she asked and then waited. She also gave it up when another child wanted a turn.
Melinda seems to use her right hand almost exclusively. Her left hand and arm are often limp and not useful to her. When playing with the trains, she never picked up a car with her left hand or used it to make the cars go. She used her left hand only to gently tap a car into place, and she did this without extending her arm or reaching with it. I am concerned about this limitation.
Melinda’s motor skills seem a little delayed. She was not able to get onto the swing, which all of the other children her age can do by this time of year. She concentrates when she is focused on an activity. We can observe her level of concentration by looking at her face; especially her mouth.
My recommendation is that Melinda be given opportunities to exercise outdoors and to use her large and small motor skills to enhance coordination and gain mastery. In addition, in the classroom, we should provide opportunities for experience with scissors, play-doh, clay, small pegs, stringing beads and such other objects for her to practice her pincer grasp. We will continue to support Melinda in her verbal skills and social development. I also recommend that Melinda be observed by the occupational therapist and will secure a referral and permission form from her parents for this.

How does this sound??

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Re: Needing help with CHCPR303D Q4

Post by Lorina » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:42 am

What is question 4 ?

How old is melinda?

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Re: Needing help with CHCPR303D Q4

Post by Annie1 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:53 pm

sorry bout that lol
so question 4 is set an objective, remember to link this to the goal and ensure it meets the SMART rules, explain the objective
Melinda is 3 1/2

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