CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

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CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by jsmd » Fri Sep 09, 2011 9:53 pm

I am really can`t be starting to think what the hell i have done , i started my Diploma last week and i am stuck on the 1st question i really can`t be this silly can i .. my trouble is i have trouble understanding the Question most of the time i know the answer but just dont get the Question , if anyone could help me get started on this i would be so grateful. number one question is ....Identify and discuss the key requirements of the centres polices and legislations that relate to the performance of your work role and where and how to access them ..
Last edited by Lorina on Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by fchaudari76 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:35 pm

For starters sometimes the questions are worded in a complicated way and it takes a few times reading them , breaking them down before you can even begin to comprehend and answer them. You are not alone in feeling AAAGGGHHH WTF??? I felt that way reading a few of my assignments
As for your question basically break it down
so it wants you to
1. Identify and discuss the key requirements of the centres polices and legislations - eg behaviour policies, health & safety policies etc etc
2. link them to your work role eg as a group leader i may need to access my centres behaviour policies as I have a child in my class who I constantly have issues with
3. Where & how to access them? In my old centre the policies were kept in a binder in the Staff room ... all other legislation stuff etc was kept in the Directors and Admin offices where we could look at them at any time

Hope this helps a bit
BTW in your heading u need to write the unit code (CHCIC501A or whatever it is) along with the unit name
Read the Forum Rules & Regulations which tells you how to post correctly

Good luck


Re: CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by jsmd » Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:04 pm

thank you so much i think when i posted last night i was so over it already , i really want to do this i know i will have trouble as i have a lower IQ than some but that wont stop me , thank you for telling me about the unit code i will do this from now on ,

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Re: CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:33 pm

Hey Jsmd,

Can I kindly ask for the module number for this assignment question so I can edit this topic heading.

Cheers :geek:,


Re: CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by jsmd » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:15 pm

hi there no worries sorry i mucked up my heading i am so sorry .. it is module 1 .. CHCic 501A / chcrfs11a if thhis is any help

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Re: CHCIC501A - Identify & Discuss The Key Requirements Of Polices

Post by Lorina » Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:47 pm

Hi Jsmd,

Thanks for getting back to me with the module number. I have now edited the topic heading. :)

Cheers :geek:,

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