WHS QLD Legislations

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WHS QLD Legislations

Post by catnap » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:07 am

Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: HLTOHS300B OHS Contribute to OHS Processes
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge

Your Question?
Looking for answers in WHS QLD in regards to model codes of practice or similar and the State legislations relating to Chidren's Services.

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
I am thinking Child Care regulations Act, but not sure. So far have looked at WHS online.

Description and Message:
Hi! I recently posted questions in regards to WHS. I am having trouble with this one! Here's the questions....
1a) List the names of WHS Legislations in your State/Territory and the model legislation and codes of practice or similar that Children's Services are required to follow. So I am in QLD and need that one.
part b of the question I have previously posted.... was to list 10 Strategies you use in your Service to meet Legislation and/or standards.
I am not sure about the questions and what is model legislation?
Hope someone can help me out with this?
Have a good day and thanks in advance

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Re: WHS QLD Legislations

Post by LindyT » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:14 pm

Typed into google " WHS QLD"
I found this in WHS QLD on the 1st page
http://www.deir.qld.gov.au/workplace/la ... /index.htm There are a couple of links if you read thru these that are VERy helpful

Types into google "QLD Children's Services Legislation" got this on the 1st link
http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/child ... egislation Try this link and type in Work Health and Safety

Typed into google "What is Model Legislation?"
Got this link
http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sit ... ation.aspx

Think you will find all these useful.

After you read these links and answer the 1st part of the question you will be ready to answer the 2nd part
list 10 Strategies you use in your Service to meet Legislation and/or standards.
Let me know how you go.

Posts: 72
Joined: Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:45 pm

Re: WHS QLD Legislations

Post by catnap » Fri Oct 26, 2012 4:13 pm

Hi Lindy T!
Many thanks for your reply and assistance - sorry for not replying sooner, but my Internet has been playing up! A real pain when I need to research stuff!! The sites were helpful and I was kinda thinking that was what I needed. I had attempted to have a look. I found the 1st part of the questions would be Work Health & Safety Act 2011 and Work Health & Safety Regulation 2011. I know there's not a specific code of practice for Children's Service but looked at the links on website and found First Aid Codes of Practice and Hazards ect. As for the 10 strategies.... I am not sure...... but would this mean in relation to the Codes of Practice as in hazards like trips and falls, supervision of children playground (using mattress when they are climbing on play equipment) and first Aid ect. Or am on off on the wrong path again here????
Have a nice week-end and hope to hear from you again
thanks alot as it is greatly appreciated!

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