CHCIC301D Interact effectively with children

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Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:24 pm

CHCIC301D Interact effectively with children

Post by Annie1 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:12 am

Hi I'm wondering if there is a good website that some one knows about that helps point out age appropriate behaviour in children in seeking attention and asserting authority please.
Thanks for any help

Posts: 9
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:24 pm

Re: CHCIC301D Interact effectively with children

Post by Annie1 » Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:09 pm

does any one know?? I'm finding it hard to find any information on correct behaviour in ages of children!! theirs lots on bad behaviour, sexual etc but not what they should be displaying at there certain age groups!! just don't know where else to look!!
Please help me!!!!
Newborn-12 months:
Babies cry not to manipulate adults but to communicate their needs. Crying is their way of getting adults to care for them in a timely manner. When babies are able to communicate with sensitive and responsive caregivers, they develop a sense of basic trust, which is the major developmental task of the first year of life
12 months- 3 years:
Two-year-olds are defiant. The major developmental task of children this age is to experience their own autonomy. By behaving defiantly, they aren’t trying to be “bad” rather, they are learning to assert themselves in the world. Although some of their behavior may call for gentle guidance and direction, it is important that the adult understand the behavior and its purpose.
2-3 years:
Many children in this age group experience unpredictable emotions, including some anger and other violent emotions. Many two-year-olds throw temper tantrums
3-5 years:
Is anxious to please adults and is dependent on their approval, love, and praise,
5-7 years:
Is concerned with pleasing adults
7-10 years:
As children get older, behavior can be managed with verbal reasoning, deprivation of privileges, appeals to child’s sense of humor, or reminders them of the consequences of his or her actions.
10-12 years:
Likes privacy.

this is what I have but it needs more I think

Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:10 pm

Re: CHCIC301D Interact effectively with children

Post by nicoletteb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:25 am

Hey Guys! I'm new here on this site and need some help please? Almost finished with my Cert III in Children's and got a couple ques that I struggle with. The question is: Choose an age group 0-2 years, 2 - 4 years, 4 - 6 years and give three examples of nutritious foods and how they specifically support speech and jaw development! Please help! Thnx!

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