Casual worker thinking of resigning - Advice appreciated :)

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Casual worker thinking of resigning - Advice appreciated :)

Post by MsEm » Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:36 am

I am a casual at my centre, have been there about 6 months. I have a few mental health issues and have had breakdowns from past jobs - As a result, I know that I can comfortably work about 3 days a week without being effected.

Unfortunately (for me), my work keep giving me full time weeks, or have me come in every single day. Great for some people and very generous of them to give me so many hours, but I am just not ready for full time hours. I don't feel as though this is due to my skill/ability at my work.. Just that they are so consistently short of staff.

After holding off saying something for so long, I've spoken to my boss and tried to explain my predicament - which was responded to with absolute negativity. Basically told to "deal with it" and that she wasn't willing to make any sort of compromise, then proceeded to dump all of her own staffing and management issues onto me :/ I totally understand that she's having issues with finding enough staff to cover and it's why I held off saying something for so long, but am starting to feel like I just can't cope anymore.

The way I see it, I am an employee. A casual employee, at that. Her work issues aren't truly any of my concern or business.. But if I come to her with a work issue, then yes.. I expect to be able to talk to her about it without such a harsh response.

I am at a point now where I see no way out. My boss won't compromise with me and if I keep being pushed to work these hours, I will end up having a breakdown. I'm thinking of resigning but am concerned with the amount of notice that I need to give as a casual worker - Any other job I've worked as a casual, there has been no notice needed.. Is childcare any different or is there an agreement that I must give a certain amount of notice?

Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Casual worker thinking of resigning - Advice appreciated :)

Post by Lorina » Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:04 am

Hi Ms Em,

Sorry to hear about your situation. Goodness the claws do come out when you try and be honest don't they! Better for you to find some where else to go why bother with a centre like that! You are absolutely right about the centre's problems and issues have nothing to do with you as you're a casual and the director hounding you like this is pretty unethical and crosses professional boundaries.

I went to the Fair Work Ombudsman site and found the following information which you may find helpful: ... oyees.aspx

I'm sorry that you're having such a bad experience at this centre and I can assure you that not all centres are like this. I really hope this doesn't change your mind on working with children and within childcare as it is a rewarding job in itself. I really hope you do find a centre that you feel comfortable with.

Hope all goes well,


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Re: Casual worker thinking of resigning - Advice appreciated :)

Post by MsEm » Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:54 pm

Thanks Lorina, I did end up resigning yesterday (finished up the shift then won't be going back) and feel so much better for it. Thank you for the reassurance that not all childcare centres will be like this.

On the same day, my boss reprimanded a whole bunch of girls from my work for liking an ex-employee's facebook status (it was something like 'started new job, loving life').. I think I dodged a massive crazy bullet here, haha ;)

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Re: Casual worker thinking of resigning - Advice appreciated :)

Post by Lorina » Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:33 pm

Yay! Feels good leaving all the chaos behind doesn't it! :lol:

I don't think many people realize how much social networking sites such as Face Book can cause quite a bit of trouble for themselves at work. Its so easy to search and find out what people are up to, what they say, who they are friends with etc. it's not really private at all! You only need someone's name to find out basically anything you want and it seems the director at that centre did some spying herself!

Take care of yourself and I hope you find a better centre,

See you around the forum,


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