Behaviour Management. Case Study Dylan

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Behaviour Management. Case Study Dylan

Post by clk89522 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:21 pm

Hi Guys,
Im struggling on how to write a behaviour management plan for "Dylan".
This is the case study:
Background info: Dylan lives with his mother and her current boyfriend. Mum lives on a pension and struggles financially. Mum reports that she has been the victim of domestic violence on several occasions. Dylans life is erractuc and unpredictable. His mother is a soft drug user and has multiple partners, all of whom seem the treat her badly.Dylan has been in fioster care several times for abuse and neglect.
Dylan often comes to the centre hungary and wearing the same clothes as the previous day. For Dylan daily life is uncertain his mother is often in a bad mood and will last out at Dylan for the slightest thing - at other time she will totally ignore him. As a consequence Dylan is also very moody and can be physically aggressive towards the adults and peers if he doesnt get his own way. Quite often Dylan will dissolve into tears over minor things and at times will totally withdraw from the group taking himself off to the library area and curling up on a cushion. Dylan prefers to play alone and can concentrate for long periods (if left alone) on construction, drawing and puzzles. Dylan is 4.2 years old
Dylan on a bad day: Today Dylan has been aggressive and unco-operative all morning. During morning tea Dylan takes teh serving tongs and pretends to be a shark, nipping other children in the arms with the tongs. When asked to put the tongs down Dylan throws them across the table and they land on the floor. The carer asks Dylan to retrieve the tongs but he refuses. "No you cant make me!"
The carer pulls Dylans chair out from the table. "Go sit by yourself. Ive had enough of yoiu today!"
Dylan runs off to the block corner and starts to pull blocks off the shelf.

On another day, Dylan is riding a trike and deliberatley crashes his trike into Owen. "Get out of the way owen-powen dumb dumb head"
Owen: "Dont Dylan stop it!"
Carer: "get off the trike immediatley thats not how we ride them"
Dylan jumps off pushes the trike over. The carer next to him "Pick it up Dylan" Dylan "No you cant make me" and runs to the fence.
Carer: "Ok Im not going to chase you Dylan you will just have to miss out on a story"
Dylan: "I hate you!"

So i know the case study is long, but my questions is I have to write up a behaviour management plan for Dylan and I have no idea what to do. Any helpers please!!!!

Thank Kim :D

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Re: Behaviour Management. Case Study Dylan

Post by fchaudari76 » Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:45 pm

Key information required to tailor make a plan:

• Background. Has anything occurred that may be impacting on the child?
• Previous schools. What is known about previous academic results, social and emotional development and behaviour?
• Formal assessments. Has the child been assessed by a Speech Pathologist, Psychologist, Paediatrician, Occupation Therapist or other specialist? If yes,
- What were the recommendations of the report? Are they still valid?
- Are these being implemented? If no, how can we remedy this?
• Academic performance and school behaviour. What is happening currently? Does the student have poor social graces, lack knowledge of others’ personal space or lack understanding about private property?
• What works? What’s been successful now and in previous years? What strategies haven’t worked?
• Are there warning signs? Does the student frown or get annoyed or agitated when challenging behaviours are about to occur?
• Are there triggers? Does the student react to specific things - tests, comments by other students, noise, bright lights, that prompt challenging behaviour?
• Strengths. What are the child’s interests, strengths and passions?
• Key behaviours or issues to be addressed. List no more than five. One to three is best.

This is taken from ... ment_plan/

When I did a Behaviour Management Plan for a child I included all this info but long term & short term goals to achieve with this child .... be realistic with these though

Hope this helps

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