My Teddy

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My Teddy

Post by brookeamy » Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:01 pm

Stuck on this. Below is the scenario followed by the questions

Ellis (22 months) and Ava are playing outdoors. Ellis is pulling a wagon along and stops occasionally to talk to the 2 dolls that he has in the wagon. Ava spots the teddy, and takes it out of the wagon. Ellis shouts at her, garbs back the teddy and pushes Ava, who falls backwards and begins to cry.

1. Is Ellis displaying mistaken or unacceptable behaviour?
My answer - Unacceptable behaviour

2. Using the guidance continuum select the level of intervention you would apply as an educator.
My answer - step in/set limits

3. Give reasons for answer
My answer - Stepping in and setting limits allows Ellis to understand that the type of behaviour is not accepted and will hopefully deter Ellis from doing it again.

The feedback from the answers are as follows - Please revise. The choice of behaviour is not correct. When you decide what type of behaviour the child is showing consider the age of the children. Also revise level of intervention and reason for your answer.

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Re: My Teddy

Post by Lorina » Wed Jun 21, 2017 6:21 pm

At 22 months, children don't understand sharing or waiting or asking for what they want. So, with the above scenario, Ava wants the teddy so she grabs it. She doesn't know to ask for it...


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