Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children

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Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment for children

Post by Midge71 » Thu May 11, 2017 6:49 pm

The example of the supervision plan in the text was designed for the supervision of primary school students. Outline how the plan could be adjusted to meet the needs of preschool children. (100-150 words)

My answer
Faulconbridge Preschool Supervision Plan

This policy details the measures taken by staff at Faulconbridge Preschool in respect of the care and
supervision of students at the school.

Duty of care

The community of Faulconbridge Preschool accepts that they have a responsibility to take all practical measures to care for the safety and welfare of the school’s students whilst attending school or participating in organised school activities. The community comprises staff, students, voluntary workers, the families of students and any other people in any way connected with the operation of the school or its programs.

Supervision before school
Parents are to deliver their child to the preschool wet area where they will wait with their child until the preschool doors open at 9.00am.
Students will place their school bags and other belongings outside the classroom. Where a fridge is provided students will place their lunch in the fridge. Students will bring into class their fruit and their water bottle and place these in the designated areas. Teachers may allow supervised access to classrooms during this time.Parents may stay with their child for 10 minutes to settle their child and read or do puzzles until the commencement of class.
Supervision will be provided for students alighting from school buses. These students will enter the classroom before the other students and be supervised by the teacher's aide until the commencement of class.

Supervision after school
Teachers will dismiss their class at 3.00pm each day. Students will only be permitted to leave the classroom once a parent is present to collect them. Children who are catching the bus will be delivered to their appropriate bus by a designated teacher. Supervision of bus travelers will be provided until the last school bus of the day has departed.
Students who have not been collected as anticipated by a parent or caregiver or who have missed their bus will be supervised until contact can be made with the appropriate person and the child has been collected. If this action fails, the assistance of the police will be requested.

Access to classrooms during non-lesson times
For security reasons, classrooms should be locked outside normal lesson times. Access to classrooms by students will only be permitted after the consent of the relevant teacher and only to retrieve items required by the student or teacher. Students are not to remain in unsupervised classrooms.

Playground duty
The school playgrounds will be supervised during non-lesson times. The amount of supervision will be subject to the areas in which students will be permitted to play and subject to prevailing lesson conditions.
Teachers will supervise their own class in the classroom between 12.00 and 12.15 to allow students to eat their lunches.
Children who have ordered their lunch from the canteen will have their lunch delivered to the classroom by a nominated person.
When it is not appropriate for students to use the playground due to prevailing weather conditions alternate supervision arrangements will be negotiated between individual teachers. These arrangements will allow for appropriate levels of supervision within classrooms, indoor or sheltered areas, but will also allow for appropriate work breaks for teachers.

Students are not permitted to leave the designated preschool area at any time during the day without the appropriate supervision. This includes the use of the library during lunch time.

Supervision during lesson times
Direct supervision will be provided by teachers during lesson times in accordance with accepted teaching practice.
It may be necessary for extreme circumstances for teachers to leave their class unsupervised if they are required to respond to an emergency situation requiring immediate attention. All care will be taken to ensure that supervision is restored as soon as possible. A telephone has been provided in all permanent classrooms to allow teachers to call for immediate assistance in these cases. Students may be permitted to leave the classroom to visit the toilet or to undertake responsible tasks such as delivering messages, collecting teaching materials, moving to other classes, escorting other students or retrieving items left in the playground during play times. In these cases, students should not deviate from the designated tasks.
Where appropriate, classes should be directly supervised by a teacher when moving to another classroom, the
library, hall or other lesson areas as a whole class group.

Trainer Comments

09/04/2017 10:14PM
The changes you have made need to be revised. There are a number of issues that need to be addressed: what are the ratios, clearly explain supervision from the regulations, a teacher must never leave the group unattended. These are just some of the areas that need to be reanswered. Use the regulations to assist you with supervision. I really am stuck as to what im being asked to do

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