Got a Job

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Got a Job

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:27 pm

YAY :party: :clap: :thumbup:
Got a job
So excited (if you can't tell! :lol: )
Its with C & K in Middlemount which is 1/2hr drive North of where I am
Am just so pleased to know I will be back working and doing what I love and earning money (of course ...always helps!)
Will begin next Monday as I am off to Brisbane for 3 days tomorrow.

They advertised for an Assistant but have hired me as a GL since she said I was way over qualified for an assistant & I would have been wasted in that role. So thats good as well though I wont have my own room but will kind of go from room to room & help with their programming and other things

It will be an interesting experience for me.... my 1st non Montessori job here in Australia!

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Re: Got a Job

Post by Lorina » Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:49 pm

Hey Fefe,

Congratulations!!! :mrgreen:

Great news!!! Glad to hear you found what you are looking for!! It is very exciting and I can't wait to hear all about your very first week in a non Montessori centre.

Enjoy Brisbane (I've never been before) :oops:... you have definitely earned it :thumbup: !

Cheers :geek:,

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Re: Got a Job

Post by fchaudari76 » Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:41 pm

Never been to Brisbane, you should, its a great city... more like a big country town feel .... has some cool places
Hopefully can line up some builders to finish renovating our home there so we can rent it out soon

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Re: Got a Job

Post by dulciean » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:19 pm

:party: :beer: yay fefe! about time someone snapped you up! well done! I will be interested to hear how you feel about 'mainstream' child care in contrast to Montessori- look forward to your updates. cheers-Sarah :thumbup:

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Re: Got a Job

Post by catchmeifucan » Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:55 pm

hey fefe,

look who's got a job!! :party:

thats great! You are full of good news this month, first you finished your diploma, then enrolled in your uni and now you have a job! its great that your frequent updates takes us through your journey! Congratulations!

1/2 hr drive to work is actually very good! expecially when you live in a remote area. I live close to the city and it still takes me atleast 45mins to an hour to get to work cuz of all the traffic :sweating:

Enjoy your trip to brissy!

Cheers :thumbup:

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Re: Got a Job

Post by fchaudari76 » Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:33 am

Thanks for all the replies, I will be back posting on my experiences in mainstream childcare ... I think its good as once I get this experience I can properly compare it to the Montessori system.

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