CHILD301A- Agressive behaviour

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CHILD301A- Agressive behaviour

Post by lexie_smith16 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:13 pm

Hello guys! I need your expert opinions :)
I'm kinda stuck with my assessment the last one Question number d. An 8yr old who is agressive towards peers, hitting and pushing. Ive got my answer but Im not satisfied with it. I put like

" Definitely hitting and pushing is not acceptable behaviour and at his age he can have more understanding of what good behaviour is. On this scenario carer should make it a point that the child knows that hitting is not allowed then explain to him that it is not acceptable behaviour, and make him realized how will his friends feel like to be hit and pushed, they will feel upset. And if its persistent the child's parent should be involved and the educator should inform the parents about the behaviour."

What do you reckon guys,,, Im not quite satisfied with my answer.. Can I please have some more ideas from you.. thanks a lot!!!!

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Re: CHILD301A- Agressive behaviour

Post by fchaudari76 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:52 am

What exactly is the question? Is it wanting to know how you would deal with this?

1. Clear rules of acceptable/non acceptable behaviour
2. Clear action & consequence understanding (if you hit you will have to sit & not play for a while, or whatever)
3. Identify triggers for the behaviour, sometimes if you address trigger issues the behaviour improves
4. Give child strategies to manage his anger/aggressiveness
5. If behaviour management strategies do not work then start documenting the behaviour and take to superiors who then will decide what to do (be is involve parents or something else)

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Re: CHILD301A- Agressive behaviour

Post by lexie_smith16 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:35 pm

yes the question was how you would deal to that situation... anyways thanks for the input :thumbup:

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