new to childcare - casual/relief worker question

Questions on working as a casual. Such as job responsibilities, what to do, finding casual work etc.
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new to childcare - casual/relief worker question

Post by flossie » Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:28 pm

I am studying to be an early childhood teacher, and I wanted to gain experience in the industry. I have just started a casual position at a childcare centre. I find that some weeks I get rostered shifts, and then others I get nothing but I might get a last minute call out on an available day. I really need stability in the days I work (I have young children), so ideally I want part-time employment. Do other employers roster casual staff regular shifts, or is my experience the norm? I want to ask my director for part-time employment, but I suspect that there is a hierarchy that goes with permanent staff and I don't want to seem obnoxious by asking before I have 'earned' it. Being relief/casual really messes with my head. I am constantly worrying about my income and need the job security. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.

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Re: new to childcare - casual/relief worker question

Post by Lorina » Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:02 pm

Hi Flossie,

The experiences your having with casual work is completely normal that's how it is for a caual position. You basically are only required to work if a staff member is sick or not available to work. Very rarely do casual workers get rostered shifts just because your getting casual pay so if they needed regularity a centre would probable prefer to hire a full time or part time staff. No, there is nothing wrong asking for a part time position if there is one available. You can just talk to the director and ask if there are any positions opening up within the centre and that you'll be interested. Once you become part time however you will notice a sudden decrease in pay. That's one of the benefits of casual work, casual pay.

Sorry bout my late reply, have had my hands full this week..


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Re: new to childcare - casual/relief worker question

Post by fchaudari76 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:44 pm

Casual will always be as described. If you want a position with x hours/wk you'll just have to look for part time positions but if you're wanting to do anything less than 3 days ft work (ie 8hrs) per week you may struggle to find work

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